In a groundbreaking move for the robotics industry, China has open-sourced "Tiangong," the world’s first full-sized humanoid robot powered entirely...
The story of the domain has taken an unexpected turn. Jainam and Jivika, the Dubai-based siblings who purchased the...
OpenAI has made a major acquisition, securing, one of the internet’s oldest and most iconic domain names, originally registered...
Google is once again making waves in the world of AI, with its new project, "Jarvis," which is poised to...
A new malware, ToxicPanda, is currently spreading worldwide, posing a serious risk to Android users and their bank accounts. This...
Odisha man uses Alexa to launch Diwali rocket: A tech enthusiast from Odisha has become the latest internet sensation. Last...
Stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra took his ongoing feud with Ola Electric to new heights with a tongue-in-cheek announcement that he...
Top new features of the AI-laden iOS 18.1: Apple had focused on making Apple Intelligence work mostly on-device to enhance...
How to get a confirmed train ticket online: Just a few days are remaining for Diwali and Chhath Puja, and many...
Delhi-based developer owns JioHotstar domain and wants Mukesh-Ambani led company to fund his college
In an astute move, an app developer from Delhi bought the "" domain, since the latter is reportedly pondering on...